GrowProud and Meilink on TV

GrowProud and Meilink can be seen Saturday, July 4 at 4:30 p.m. on the TV show How It's Done on RTL Z.

Alfred Klunder talks about GrowProud, the importance of marketing and what GrowProud can do for the manufacturing industry.

A tip of the hat: "GrowProud is a company with growth implementers and marketers, using a 'growth total approach' to support companies in the manufacturing industry in realizing growth ambitions. Shoulder to shoulder with the entrepreneur".

Peter Rikken tells viewers what the partnership with GrowProud has yielded: "I see progression in that the salespeople are more in tune with the customers' needs, they are asking better questions." Peter further indicates that GrowProud has set up the strategy to also approach customers through the website and social media, which is going better than before.

Collaboration GrowProud - Meilink

Analysis is a strength of GrowProud. At Meilink, this has also been the starting point for what they call 'Improving Growth'. GrowProud clearly identified Meilink's customers' needs and strengths.

How It's Done

How It's Done is a program of RTL Z where in 30 minutes several inspiring entrepreneurial stories are passed by. Different developments, novelties and opportunities of different entrepreneurs are discussed.

No time to watch on July 4? The replay can be seen on Monday, July 6 at 10:30 a.m. and Thursday, July 9 at 4:30 p.m.


Update: The program has now aired. You can watch the film back below:


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